Please build your project following the directions here before continuing.
You are now nearing the finish line and well on your way towards taking off! However, there are still a few more steps to ensure your experiment flies smoothly.
You may either ship your project in advance (you must pay for your own shipping) or bring it with you on the day of the launch. We highly recommend bringing it with you, either via car or plane because you can make sure it’s nice and safe. Also, please ensure that it is completely finished and adheres to the limitations.
We are still working out an address to ship your project to, stay posted for details.
Check out Pirate Ship for cheap shipping rates!
The Apex launch will be a 3-day event in Boston, hosted at the WPS Institute. Below is a tentative schedule, but it is likely to change as more details are made available. Closer to the launch event, a comprehensive attendee guide will be published with all pertinent information.
05:00pm - Arrive at WPS
05:30pm - Opening ceremony
06:00pm - Dinner
07:00am - Wake up
07:30am - Breakfast
08:30am - Leave for launch site
09:30am - Arrive at launch site
12:00pm - Balloons launched
12:30pm - Lunch
01:00pm - Head back to WPS / Recovery process begins
02:00pm - Attendees arrive back at WPS
03:00pm - Balloons are recovered
04:00pm - Balloons arrive back at WPS / Begin analyzing results and making presentations
06:00pm - Dinner
08:00am - Wake up
08:30am - Breakfast
09:00am - Finalize presentations
10:00am - Presentations begin
11:00am - Voting
11:30am - Awards
12:00pm - Closing ceremony