Apex wordmark RESOURCES

Building Details

Please get your proposal approved by following the instructions in the proposal guide before continuing on this page.

Now that your proposal has been approved, it’s time to get started with building your project! First, double-check the limitations so that your project will be able to fly at Apex.

Preparing the Box

Mounting the Electronics

Keeping the electronics firmly positioned in the payload ensures they are kept intact and operational throughout flight. We recommend mounting them to an internal structure using screws. Using screws allows the electronics to be removed if they need to be serviced and reattached. This can be done with battery holders and PCBs, provided they have screw holes.

Drilling Mounting Holes:

Wire Management:

Securing Batteries:

Power Switch:

Mounting External Components

Certain components like GPS modules, antennas, or cameras must be mounted outside the payload.

Cut small holes:

Antenna Mounting:

Camera or Sensor Mounting:

Sealing Openings:

Tethering and Rigging

In order to travel up to the stratosphere, your payload boxes will need to be attached, one after another, in a long daisy chain, referred to as the “payload train.” This means each payload will hang from the payload above it, and so on.

We will be rigging these payload boxes up using a method designed to minimize the stresses put on the payload boxes themselves. We also want to make sure that a structural failure on one payload doesn’t cause payload further down the line to break free.

As a result, all payloads will need to keep the center area of their payloads free to allow for the insertion of the flight tube at the Apex pre-launch event. This will be ⅜” vinyl tube that gets inserted all the way through the center from the payload, in through the top and out through the bottom. If you leave enough space, we can also wrap PE foam insulation around the tube on the inside of your payload.

You should start building your project by May 1st to allow for shipping to Apex before the launch. Details on shipping your project and the launch are on the launch info page.

Again, if you have any questions, ask in the #apex channel on the Hack Club Slack!